The Alchemist Pub & Brewery

Posted in Coming Soon, Don't Miss This, The Alchemist Pub & Brewery

Heady Topper Will Have Canned Company Soon

What you may or may not know if that The Alchemist makes more than the (now famous) Heady Topper IPA.  Since the brewery suspended operations in their retail location, some of these other offerings have been released on tap in their Waterbury, Vermont home.

The Alchemist Focal Banger American IPA was first brewed at The Alchemist pub before it was destroyed by flood. Not only will Focal Banger be available on draft around their hometown, but it will soon be the brewery’s second canned offering ever.

Don’t get too excited just yet. The Alchemist laments that they aren’t 100% ready to go all out on the second canned offering. The world will see Focal Banger in a series of “pop up” sales leading up to regular release in the future.

Read more: Alchemist News

Posted in Brewery Expansions, Don't Miss This, The Alchemist Pub & Brewery

A Second Brewery For The Alchemist?

Recently, The Alchemist, makers of one of the most sought after beers in America, made the tough decision to close their retail location in Vermont. Traffic, and lack of adequate parking forced the hand of owners Jen and John Kimmich. Shortly after the devastating news, The Alchemist announced they would open a second retail location, hopefully by the end of 2013.

The brewery is stuck in a great position. There is overwhelming demand, for their product.  However, the inability to produce as much of #1 selling Heady Topper as they want (at the price point they want) is limiting.

In a recent article published in Business Insider, it was hinted that a second brewery isn’t off the table for the Kimmich family.. The reality is, Heady Topper is in high demand. Bars and retail shop owners in Vermont and beyond are frustrated that they can’t keep up with demand. This has created a black market that recently got a lady arrested.

Expect a big year for The Alchemist in 2014.

Posted in Headlines, The Alchemist Pub & Brewery

Woman Arrested for Selling Black Market Heady Topper

One of America’s most sought after craft beers, Heady Topper by The Alchemist has been spotted on the black market before. The Waterbury, Vermont based brewery produces one of the highest ranked IPAs that doesn’t get distributed very far from the cannery.

A lady was recently arrested for selling cases of the brew on Craig’s List for upwards of $700 dollars ($825 in one instance). A case of Heady Topper usually goes for $72. It wasn’t long before the Feds got wind of the illegal operation.

If I were John Kimmich (founder of the brewery) I’d have to feel pretty baller right now. I mean, what started as a homebrew recipe is now sold in parking lots and back alley deals like high end narcotics. I’m pretty sure no one ever did that for one of the big 3 brewery’s beers.

Illegal sale or resale of alcoholic beverages can get you a $10,000 fine and up to 10 years in prison. Pretty steep compared to a plane ticket, a rental car and the cost of a few pints in Vermont, right? [AP]

Posted in Brewery Expansions, The Alchemist Pub & Brewery

The Alchemist Plans New Retail Location

Last week, The Alchemist dropped a bit of a bombshell by announcing the closure of their retail location.  A large portion of the decision was due to traffic and public access issues.

Good news, the brewery has found a new retail space in Waterbury Center. This new spot is adequate for traffic flow, and growth. This new spot should be open by Christmas, 2013.

In the meantime, extra Heady Topper (the extremely popular IPA, and the core of the business) will be sent to current accounts while the retail shop is closed.

Also, those looking for the planned seasonals by The Alchemist – check your local bars and restaurants.

Updates to the new retail build coming soon.



Posted in The Alchemist Pub & Brewery

The Alchemist To Close Cannery To Public

The Alchemist, makers of a very popular beer Heady Topper, will close the cannery to the public on November 15th.

Production will not be affected. The difficult decision is due to growing pains and traffic.

We had hoped our location at 35 Crossroad would be capable of handling the traffic, however with growth comes growing pains. In an effort to stay ahead of the curve we have made the difficult decision to close our retail shop and self-guided tour area. Effective November 15 the cannery will no longer be open to the public.

All accounts will continue to receive stock of Heady Topper. Merchandise will be available online from here on out.

Posted in Cool Stuff, Don't Miss This, The Alchemist Pub & Brewery

Heady Topper Hits the Emmys [PICS]

John Kimmich, founder of Vermont’s The Alchemist makes one beer right now. It’s a damn good one too. Heady Topper.

Looks like Heady made an Emmy appearance on Sunday too. (According to the brewery that is.) At least in the hospitality suite. To our knowledge it wasn’t nominated for any awards, other then “Best Starring Role of an Imperial IPA in a Can.”

I’m pretty sure Heady Topper is a great way to schmooze celebrities.

Posted in Beer News, Ipswich Brewing, The Alchemist Pub & Brewery

Award Winning Gluten Free Recipe Sold

Celia & Ipswich_0

The Alchemist (Woodbury, VT) may be one of the few breweries in the U.S. to have gained so much fame with one beer. Every since severe flooding destroyed John Kimmich’s brewpub, highly touted Heady Topper is the only and only beer produced at the the Alchemist canning facility.

Heady Topper isn’t The Alchemist’s only beer though of course. Kimmich’s wife and brewing partner Jen, was diagnosed with celiac disease a few years ago. (Makes gluten the enemy of your digestive system.) There’s a way around that in brewing, that’s using grain without evil gluten. That’s the inspiration for Celia Saison, brewed with sorghum. A gold medal winning gluten free saison.

Ipswich Brewery recently created a commercial batch of Celia Saison on John’s behalf. Now, he has sold the recipe to Ipswich, and will now officially be an Ipswich product.

The artwork will be the same, but now with the Ipswich logo. Look for 4 packs of this brew in Ipswich markets. Gluten free drinkers, this is great news.

Style: Saison (w/ Orange Peels, Gluten Free)
Availability: 12oz bottles