Posted in Brewery Expansions, Don't Miss This, The Alchemist Pub & Brewery

A Second Brewery For The Alchemist?

Recently, The Alchemist, makers of one of the most sought after beers in America, made the tough decision to close their retail location in Vermont. Traffic, and lack of adequate parking forced the hand of owners Jen and John Kimmich. Shortly after the devastating news, The Alchemist announced they would open a second retail location, hopefully by the end of 2013.

The brewery is stuck in a great position. There is overwhelming demand, for their product.  However, the inability to produce as much of #1 selling Heady Topper as they want (at the price point they want) is limiting.

In a recent article published in Business Insider, it was hinted that a second brewery isn’t off the table for the Kimmich family.. The reality is, Heady Topper is in high demand. Bars and retail shop owners in Vermont and beyond are frustrated that they can’t keep up with demand. This has created a black market that recently got a lady arrested.

Expect a big year for The Alchemist in 2014.

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