Topic Archives: Chatoe Rogue

Posted in Rogue Brewing

NEW RELEASE: Chatoe Rogue Good Chit Pils

The newest addition to Rogue Brewing’s Chatoe Rogue series Good Chit Pils has arrived.  Chit is made with Rogue Farm barley that they floor malted themselves. ( An 8 day process of steeping the grain, germinating it, raking, roasting, bagging, etc.)

Why Chit? Those of the rootlets that emerge fromt the grain during germination. See this for

Style: Czech Pilsner
Hops: Rogue Micro Hopyard Liberty, Czech Pils
Malts: Rogue Micro Barley Farm Dare Floor Malt, Weyerman Acidulated
Yeast: Wyeast 2278

Taste Expectations: Earthy hoppyness, sweet light malts. Crisp, crackery, sweet honey.

Availability: 22oz bombers, Draft.

6% ABV

pic: @aleyeahbeer

Posted in Beer News, New Releases, Rogue Brewing

Rogue Good Chit Pilsner, Oct 1

Rogue Brewing’s newest addition to the Chatoe Rogue series is a floor malted pilsner.  All the ingredients were grown on Rogue’s hop & malt yards.  Floor malting isn’t an easy process for a brewery to under take.  Saving the time to type out the process, here’s a bit from wikipedia that gives you an idea:

The malting process starts with drying the grains to a moisture content below 14%, and then storing for around six weeks to overcome seed dormancy. When ready, the grain is immersed or “steeped” in water two or three times over two or three days to allow the grain to absorb moisture and to start to sprout. When the grain has a moisture content of around 46%, it is transferred to the malting or germination floor, where it is constantly turned over for around five days while it is air dried. The grain at this point is called “green malt”. The green malt is then kiln dried to the desired colour and specification.  Malts range in colour from very pale through crystal and amber to chocolate or black mal

Rough huh?  “Chit” is a reference to the rootlet that pops up during germination.

Style: Pilsner
Availability: 22oz bombers, Draft.
5.2% ABV
Press Release

Chatoe Rogue Releases “Good Chit Pilsner”

NEWPORT OREGON, August 12, 2011 – Micro batch testing of the Rogue Floor Malting system at a SECRET LOCATION at 1001 SE 9th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214 has concluded and the Floor Malted barley is being used to brew Chatoe Rogue’s Good Chit Pilsner.

Good Chit Pilsner is made with Rogue Farm barley that we Floor-Malted in small batches. Floor Malting is an, old fashioned, 8 day process that includes steeping, germination, raking, roasting, bagging and hands on love 24 hours a day. “Chit” refers to the start of the rootlets that emerge from the embryo of the kernel once steeping is complete and germination begins.

Floor-Malting is an extension of Rogue’s commitment to knowing and letting others know the Terroir, Province and Origin of its ingredients by Growing Your Own (GYO). Floor Malting in micro batches allows the Maltsters and Brewers to control variety, roast and complexion of their ingredients. The end creation is unlike anything available on store shelves.

Rogue is dedicated to saving the terroir of Oregon hops and barley, one acre at a time, by growing its own. The Rogue Grow Your Own (GYO) Micro Barley Farm is located in Oregon’s Tygh Valley Appellation and Rogue’s 42 acre Micro Hopyard is located in Oregon’s Wigrich Appellation.

Good Chit Pilsner will be on shelves on October 1st, 2011.

Posted in Coming Soon, Rogue Brewing

Fresh Pumpkin Joining Chatoe Rogue Collection

There are two recent additions – Good Chit, a pilsner brewed w/ liberty hops, and now Fresh Pumpkin Ale.  The Chatoe series features organically grown ingredients from Rogue’s hopyard & farm in Oregon.


Created with pumpkins grown on Rogue’s Micro Hop and pumpkin yard in Independence, Oregon.  Fresh pumpkins are picked, loaded into our truck, driven immediately 77 miles to our brewery in Newport, Oregon, quickly roasted, and pitched into our brew kettle.

Neither of these beers appear on the 2011 release schedule, although you can imagine early fall being a prime release window for a fresh pumpkin ale.  You’ll recall Wet Hop Ale was released along side the hop harvest last year.

Style: Pumpkin Ale

Availability:  22oz bombers, draft.

5.6% ABV, 25 IBUs

Posted in Coming Soon, Rogue Brewing

Rogue Brews Up Some Good Chit

It’s time for another edition in Rogue Brewing’s Chatoe Rogue Series.  Good Chit looks to be one of the latest appearances.  Rogue floor malted the barley themselves, which is quite the task.

Good Chit Pilsner is made with 100% Rogue Farm barley that we Floor-Malted in small batches.  Floor malting is an old fashioned, 8 day process that includes steeping, germination, raking, roasting, bagging and hands on love 24 hours a day.  “Chit” reforest to he start of the rootlets that emerge front he embryo of the kernel once steeping is complete and germination begins.

Style: Pilsner
Hops: Liberty
Malts:  Weyermann acidularted, rogue Micro barley Farm Dark Floor Malt
Yeast: Pacman

Availability: 22oz bombers, Draft


Posted in New Releases, Rogue Brewing

NEW RELEASE: Chatoe Rogue Wet Hop

Here is another offering in the Chatoe Rogue series.  This series features beers with ingredients grown in Rogue Brewing’s hop & malt yards in Oregon.  That’s why they refer to it as GYO or, Grow Your Own.  Wet Hop in indeed hopped with fresh, green hops from the hop farm.

Beer Rundown:
Style: Pale Ale
Hops: Rogue Micro Hopyard Freedom, Revolution, Independent, Rebel, Alluvial and Liberty
Malts: Carawheat, Carafoam and Rogue Micro Barley Farm Dare, Risk
Yeast: Pacman

Taste Expectations: Robust, nutty.  Touch of caramel.  Clean, citrus hops.

Availability: 22oz Bombers. Draft. One time release.

6.4% ABV

Looking for this? Hop City, Green’s, Tower, Mac’s (Downtown)

Posted in Coming Soon, Rogue Brewing

COMING SOON: Rogue “Creek Ale”

The 4rd release from the “Chatoe Rogue” series this year is about to ship.   To recap the releases thus far — In January came “Dirtoir Black Lager“, followed by “Single Malt Ale” in April.  July saw  “OREgasmic Ale.” October will see “Creek Ale”.

With Creek Ale, Rogue Brewing (Newport, OR) celebrates the rivers, lakes, streams, ponds & of course creeks of Oregon.  From Rogue’s press release:

Creek Ale is brewed with First Growth Oregon hops and malt from Rogue’s own micro hopyard and barley bench. The Rogue barley bench is located in Oregon’s Tygh Valley Appellation and Rogue’s 42 acre hopyard is located in Oregon’s Wigrich Appellation, where Rogue currently grows seven different hop varieties. Rogue remains dedicated to saving the terroir of Oregon hops and barley, one acre at a time, by growing our own.

Beer Rundown:
Style: Belgian style Kriek Ale
Hops: Rogue Hopyard Revolution Hops
Malts: Wheat, Rogue Barley Farm DareTM and RiskTM Malts
Yeast: Pacman
Montmorency Cherries

Availability: 22oz bombers. Draft.  One time release.

Release Date: October 1, 2010

?? ABV