The 4rd release from the “Chatoe Rogue” series this year is about to ship. To recap the releases thus far — In January came “Dirtoir Black Lager“, followed by “Single Malt Ale” in April. July saw “OREgasmic Ale.” October will see “Creek Ale”.
With Creek Ale, Rogue Brewing (Newport, OR) celebrates the rivers, lakes, streams, ponds & of course creeks of Oregon. From Rogue’s press release:
Creek Ale is brewed with First Growth Oregon hops and malt from Rogue’s own micro hopyard and barley bench. The Rogue barley bench is located in Oregon’s Tygh Valley Appellation and Rogue’s 42 acre hopyard is located in Oregon’s Wigrich Appellation, where Rogue currently grows seven different hop varieties. Rogue remains dedicated to saving the terroir of Oregon hops and barley, one acre at a time, by growing our own.
Beer Rundown:
Style: Belgian style Kriek Ale
Hops: Rogue Hopyard Revolution Hops
Malts: Wheat, Rogue Barley Farm DareTM and RiskTM Malts
Yeast: Pacman
Montmorency Cherries
Availability: 22oz bombers. Draft. One time release.
Release Date: October 1, 2010
?? ABV