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Founders KSB Espresso, the first bottled KBS Variant is coming in 2020

Founders KBS Espresso

Founders KBS Espresso, a variant of the popular barrel-aged imperial stout debuts in 2020.

The Michigan-based Founders Brewing is currently readying the first variant to come from Kentucky Breakfast Stout, aka KBS. While the annual imperial stout is already brewed with coffee, this edition is aged on espresso beans after coming out of the bourbon barrels.


The result is a fresh and snappy coffee twist on our classic barrel-aged beer. Who says you can’t start your day with a barrel-aged stout?

Founders KBS Espresso will be debut in 12-ounce bottles, as well as 750-millilter bottles and draft in February 2020.

Style: Imperial Stout (w/ Coffee. Chocolate. Barrel Aged. Bourbon.)
Availability: 12oz Bottles, 750ml Bottles, Draft. Limited Release.
Debut: February 2020

12% ABV