Marin Brewing Co
Marin AirPorter Chocolate Porter
Marin AirPorter Chocolate Porter
Marin Brewing ES Chai Fights Beer Gut?
Marin Brewing has just released E.S. Chi Tonic Herbal Ale. The beer is a proprietary blend of wild Chinese herbs prepared by Master Herbalist Yen-Wei Choong, Lic. Acupuncturist., director of Yellow Emperor Natural Healing Center and Zen Garden: Chinese Healing Herbs in San Anselmo, CA. Dr. Choong, Marin Brewing Company owner Brendan Moylan and Brewmaster Arne Johnson all collaborated on this Asian flaired brew.
The herbs in this beer have been used Chinese medicine for thousands of years. They are known for boosting metabolism, energy level and for reducing weight gain, or “pumpkin belly.” (Beer GUT)
Style: Herbed/Spice Beer
Hops: UK Kent Goldings
Malts: Golden Promise
Availability: 22oz bombers, Draft
5% ABV
Marin Preps For Wet Hops
Tim Sciascia, brewer at Marin Brewing Company (maker of Moylan’s) recently took a trip with other members of the staff to HopsMeister Hop Farm in California in search of organic, wet, fresh hops to brew with. The farm started 4 years ago in Oregon & Washington and has grown considerably in acreage since then.
Cascade, Columbus, Chinook, & Horizon vines run as much as 15 feet high. Marin bought hops and had them immediately picked and taken back to Novato, California to brew with as fast as possible. Fresh hopped brews have been a growing trend over the past few years, a brew that is time critical. Fresher the hop the better. While some breweries ship their fresh hopped pales and IPAs, some keep them very local.
The 1st of 3 casks tap today. Three Flowers & Marin IPA will tap over the next week. With the left over hops, Marin hints a potentially wet hopping a favorite. Like Moylander IPA. [LarkspurPatch]