Headed your way soon is 21st Amendment Brewing’s newest concoction “Bitter American”. This seasonal release intends to take an American beer style and lower the abv. Here’s a little beer geek background on this. There is a long going debate about session beers on Twitter & various beer forums. Some say the English defined it years ago at 4% or less. Some argue it’s 5% or less. (I’m not jumping into this. Those are the sides.) English bitter is actually a beer style, with an abv range of 3%-5%. Popular in England of course. Stay with me here. The American IPA is easily one of the most popular styles in the U.S, however it’s not very sessionable, as they are typically well above 6%. Bitter American seeks to change this. It’s an IPA with all the hops & flavor, with a much lower abv. (4.4%) Shawn O’Sullivan bragged recently on Twitter that Bitter American is one of best beers they have ever brewed. Check out 21A’s blog post about this release: