Posted in Seasonal Return, Avery Brewing

Pumpkin pie soaked in rum. Avery’s massive ‘Rumpkin’ returns

Avery Rumpkin Halloween 2016

One of the biggest pumpkin beers out there, Avery Rumpkin has returned again ahead of fall 2018.

“A pumpkin pie soaked in rum.” That was the general idea when creating the Avery Rumpkin recipe. Besides pumpkin, Avery Rumpkin is brewed with nutmeg, allspice, ginger, and cinnamon, then aged in rum barrels.

Rum barrels have been a big leaking issue for Avery in the past. If a barrel leaks, you beer killing oxygen getting in, or other off-flavors introduced into the beer. Over the past 7 years, the brewery has lost between 30% & 40% of the batches. To fix this issue, the brewery has flown in professional coopers in the past from France to restore the rum barrels before Rumpkin rested in the wood.

The 2018 edition of Avery Rumpkin debuts on August 20th.

Style: Pumpkin Beer (Nutmeg. Allspice. Ginger. Cinnamon. Barrel Aged. Rum.)
Availability: 12oz bottles
Latest Return: August 2018

16.9% ABV

PIC: Beer Street JournalĀ 

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