Posted in Beer News, SweetWater Brewing

SweetWater Sch’wheat Gets Axed

Nearly 2 years ago, SweetWater Brewing retired Summer Hummer (a seasonal witbier) in lieu of Sch’Wheat in the year round lineup.  The beer was introduced as a “gateway” beer for many drinkers making their first foray into beers that aren’t light lagers.  The beer has done well over the past 2 years in the line year round lineup, but in 2012 it won’t make the cut.   Sch’Wheat has been suspended in the coming brew-year to make way for some new exciting brews. (and some oldies making returns.)

You will however, see Exodus Porter is 6 packs in a matter of weeks, a 15th Anniversary Ale in February, and the return of The Creeper this fall.

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