Posted in Abita Brewing, Coming Soon

Next Abita Select: Imperial Red To Benefit Former Saints Player

Abita Brewing has announced the style of their next Select Series brew.  An imperial red ale will follow Oyster Stout.  Money from sales of imperial red will go to benefit former New Orleans Saints player Steve Gleason, and the Gleason Family Trust.  Gleason announced in September that he had been diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), aka Lou Gehrig’s Disease.  There is no cure.  $.25 cents of each pint will go to help the family offset the costs of living with ALS.

“I’ve always been a beer lover and a big fan of Abita’s brews,” said Steve Gleason. “One of the brewers at Abita is a family friend and when he approached me with the idea of creating a special fundraising brew I was both honored and really excited. I helped create the recipe, which is a dream come true for a beer guy like me. …“I’m asking fans of Abita and members of Team Gleason to visit my Facebook page and suggest names for this very special brew. There are so many creative brains out there, I know they’ll come up with something really special.”

The author of the winning name will join Gleason for a pint of the Abita brew at a special event when the beer is introduced to the public in early February 2012.  The Abita Select Imperial Red Ale is a very malty brew with a slightly fruity yeast flavor.  It has a nice hop flavor and aroma and is 8 percent alcohol by volume. .

Style: Imperial Red Ale
Availability: Draft only. One time release
Arrival: February 2012

8% ABV 


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