Better late than never right? These bottles were expected back in July – finally making their shelves now. Back in February, Terrapin travelled to Jura, Switzerland and collaborated with Brasserie Franches Montagnes. (Actually, they were already on a European beer tour.) In the cold of winter, the two breweries created a rye based barleywine.
The barleywine — “Spike & Jerome’s Ale” is actually derived from 20% rye, 80% malted barley. The beer has been aging in rum barrels in Switzerland.
Style: Barleywine (Barrel aged)
Taste Expectations: Lots to discuss here. Rum. Sour oak. Dark fruit. Raisins. Figs. Lemons. Acidic notes, vanilla. Like I said. Lots.
Availability: Limited draft. 11.4 oz bottles. One time brew.
10% ABV
pic: @GreensBeer