Posted in Beer News, Bell's Brewing, Coming Soon

2012 Hopslam: Draft 1/25, Bottles 2/8

Per Bells– Here is your Hopslam 2012 rundown:

Many of you have asked on a variety of platforms (FacebookTwitter,Google+ and via email) when Hopslam will be available. Until now, we could only say January, as important packaging and logistic issues were still being finalized.

Today, we have more details for you — actual release dates.

Please know that we have been working very hard for months to ensure this beer gets to as many of you, our fans, as soon as possible.

To make that happen, there were a number of important factors to consider.  One is the dry hopping process, which like Two Hearted Ale, limits how much we can produce at one time.  Another very important factor is the $52 million construction and expansion project that is ongoing here in Michigan.

Because of these and other factors, Hopslam will be available a little later than in the past.

Here are the release dates for Hopslam in 2012.

Hopslam on draft: Jan. 25

Hopslam in bottles: Feb. 8

We appreciate everyone’s continued support and patience as we transition into our new brewhouse and look forward to completing this project in 2012.

For more information on where Hopslam will be available in your area, please consult our Beer Finder and contact the distributor for your county. You can also contact your favorite bar, retailer or restaurant to inquire if and when they will have it as well.


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