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Spotlight: Hi-Wire Tropical Fruit Golden Strong Ale

Hi-Wire Tropical Fruit Golden Strong Ale

This 11.3% fruited beast is Hi-Wire Tropical Fruit Golden Strong Ale. It ships mid-December, 2015.

Jonathan Parks, Hi-Wire’s specialty head brewer grew up in Miami, where mangos and papayas out number the people in the city. (Completely made up fact, btw)

“I love bright tropical fruit flavors,” said Parks. “I grew up in Miami where mangos and papayas grow everywhere. When I smell this beer, it reminds me of home.”

Hi-Wire Tropical Fruit Golden Strong Ale is ready to drink now but the does mention proper cellaring will smooth the edges of this beer. Available in 22 ounce bottles mid month.

Beer Street Journal tasting notes: This beer maybe be 11.3% alcohol by volume, but it drinks like a 6% beer. Mango and papaya is subtle, but a nice touch to the finish. Pre-game hard with this one. 

Style: American Strong Ale (w/ Mango, Papaya)
Availability: 22oz Bottles, Draft.
Release: December, 2015

11.3% ABV

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