Posted in Coming Soon, Fordham Brewing Co

So Good, Fordham Had to Brew Double

Fordham Spiced Harvest Ale

The Mid-Atlantic will get Forham Brewing Company’s (Dover, DE) Spiced Harvest Ale this week.

Last year, the fall offering was so popular that is sold out in just three weeks, so double the amount has been brewed. Harvest Ale is fermented with spices such as cinnamon and clove, making it great for drinking now or Christmas and beyond.

At 6.6% ABV, this Fall Seasonal is reminiscent of pumpkin pie and was awarded the bronze medal in the Herb and Spice category at the European Beer Star competition in 2012.  Forget celebrating Thanksgiving only one day a year, with Spiced Harvest Ale you can be thankful one bottle at a time.

Style: Herb/Spice Beer (w/ Cinnamon, Clove, Allspice, Honey, Pumpkin)
Availability: 12oz bottles, Draft

6.6% ABV

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