Posted in Cigar City Brewing, Coming Soon, Don't Miss This

Cigar City’s Putting Sugar Plums in Cans

Cigar City Brewing’s (Tampa, FL) Sugar Plum Winter Porter look to make a can appearance this year. The once a year porter has been available in the past in 750ml bottles. It’s a bit of a complex porter as well, as you can see from the list of ingredients below.

A rich English-style Porter forms the stage for holiday flavors which dance a festive ballet highlighted by pirouetting leaps of winter-inspired spices. Cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, rose hips, and chamomile compliment the subtle chocolate and light coffee notes of the malt and the addition of roasted carob and chicory complete the performance. Brewed once a year to celebrate the season…

Style: Porter (Cinnamon, Ginger, Cardamom, Rose Hips, Chamomile)
Availabilty: 750ml bottles, 12oz Cans (Coming Soon)

?? ABV

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