Anchor Brewing

Posted in Anchor Brewing, Brooklyn Brewing

Brooklyn VS. Anchor – NFC Championship Brewery Wager

Are you ready for some football?  Brooklyn Brewery (New York, NY) and Anchor Brewing Co. (San Francisco, CA) sure are and they are taking this year’s NFC Championship pretty seriously.  Anchor’s John Dannerbeck and Brooklyn’s Steve Hindy have come up with a little wager.  He who’s team loses this Sunday will pour the other’s beer and their tour staff will wear the opposing teams attire for a week at the loser’s brewery.  Brewers will wear jerseys of shame as well.

How John and Steve feel about this weekend’s matchup:

“We are very confident that the 49ers will come through for us and we will not have to suffer this humiliation,” said Dannerbeck. “We beat the Giants earlier this year, and I am sure we will do it again.”“The Giants have come together in an impressive way since the post-season commenced,” said Hindy. “We think Eli Manning and his team are going to avenge that earlier loss and move on to the Super Bowl.”

The 49ers are currently favored to win by 2.5 points.

Posted in Anchor Brewing, Beer News, Cool Stuff

Anchor Gets A Sexy New Site, Twitter & Facebook

Anchor Brewing WebsiteAnchor Brewing has joined the tech party.  Recently they joined Twitter: @AnchorBrewing, and Facebook. Today they unveiled a new, beautiful website.

The site shows off the beer lineup & history, with a schwag store, and a trade login (for bars and restaurants.)  If you scroll to the bottom, you can even find out what they are brewing and bottling on that day. The site is visually stunning and a huge step forward for one of America’s oldest craft breweries.  [Anchor]

note:  Anchor has been on Facebook for a little while, but it looks like they are interacting with it more. 

Posted in Anchor Brewing, Seasonal Return

Anchor Christmas 2011 Hits

Anchor Christmas 2011(AKA Our Special Ale) is here! I hear some malls are already decorating for Christmas.  Just pick up a few of these and wait.  This is the 37th release of this brew- each recipe a little different, as is the featured tree on the label. In case you missed it, here are some geek info about the 2011 tree:

Pinus longaeva is known as the Great Basin Bristlecone Pine tree.  The tree is found in the southwestern part of the United States, and has quite a long life span.  Methuselah, one of the members of this species is thought to be the oldest living non-clonal organism on planet earth.

Style: Winter Warmer

Availability: 12oz bottles, 1 quart bottles. Draft.  Seasonal release

5.5% ABV

pic: @AleYeahBeer

Posted in Anchor Brewing, Coming Soon

Sneak Peek: Our Special Ale 2011

2011 will mark the 37th release of Anchor Brewing’s “Our Special Ale” aka Anchor Christmas.  Every year the beer tastes a little different,& the label features a different tree.  Now time to tree geek out for a minute. This year’s feature- the Pinus longaeva is known as the Great Basin Bristlecone Pine tree.  The tree is found in the southwestern part of the United States, and has quite a long life span.  Methuselah, one of the members of this species is thought to be the oldest living non-clonal organism on planet earth.

Our Special Ale hits shelves this year in November.

Style: Winter Warmer

5.5% ABV


Posted in Anchor Brewing, New Releases

Anchor Brewing’s New Brekle’s Brown

Anchor Brewing has a new brewing they are brewing up – Brekle’s Brown.  The name pays homage to Gottlieb Brekle, an early brewmaster of what would eventually become Anchor Brewing. Brekle came to San Francisco, California from Germany in the 1850’s.  Brekle became the brewmaster of a new brewery called “Golden Gate Brewery”.  In 1871 he purchased a saloon and began turning it into a brewery.  25 years after his purchase it became Anchor.

To celebrate Anchor’s vast 140 year history, they have released Brekle’s Brown Ale, an all malt, single hop ale.  The brainchild of brewer Mark Carpenter, Mark wanted a beer that ties the past and present together.  The malt forward recipe takes a que from all malt recipes from Anchor’s past.  As for the present/future – the one and single hop used is a relatively new (and very en vogue right now) citra.  Citra was also used in the dry hopping.

First Brewed: December 2010, racked in January 2011.

Availability: Sadly, only in greater San Francisco area.

6% ABV


Posted in Anchor Brewing, Seasonal Return

Anchor Our Special Ale 2010

Anchor Brewing has been brewing “Our Special Ale” aka “Anchor Christmas”  for 36 years.  Each year the flavor profile is a little bit different, just like the tree on the bottle.  It’s a favorite among beer drinkers, and usually sells out well before Christmas.

Commercial Description:
Every year since 1975 the brewers at Anchor have brewed a distinctive and unique Christmas Ale, which is available from early November to mid-January. The Ale’s recipe is different every year–as is the tree on the label–but the intent with which we offer it remains the same: joy and celebration of the newness of life. Since ancient times, trees have symbolized the winter solstice when the earth, with its seasons, appears born anew. Our tree for 2010 is the Ginkgo biloba tree.

Style: Winter Warmer

Taste Expectations: This years edition is slightly less piney than 2009.  There is a bit more molasses licorice flavor.  The finish is  warming & smooth.

Availability: 12oz/6pks.  50.7 oz Magnums (around $15)  Draft.  Seasonal – November – January each year.

?? ABV

Posted in Anchor Brewing, New Releases

NEW RELEASE: Anchor Humming Ale

Arriving from San Francisco, CA for the first time is Anchor Brewing’s Humming Ale.  Humming was first brewed in 2009 and released only on draft.  Finally in Summer of 2010 it was bottled destined for locations beyond the west coast.  As Anchor describes –

“HUMMING is an ancient term, used centuries ago to describe both ales and beers. Although its origins are shrouded in mystery, it suits this bold hoppy ale, which we have created to celebrate the anniversary of our first brew at 1705 Mariposa Street. From that very day we were humming! Anchor’s Humming Ale was first brewed
113 years after our founding and thirty years to the day since the first brew in our new brewhouse.”

Style: American Pale Ale

Hops: Unpublished

Malts: 2 Row Barley

Taste Expectations:  Grapefruit & Citrus hop profile.  Light pale malts, with low bitter finish.  A crisp pale ale.

Availability: 12oz/6pks, 22oz Bottles.  Draft.  August – November seasonally.

5.6% ABV