Posted in Anchor Brewing, New Releases

Anchor Brewing’s New Brekle’s Brown

Anchor Brewing has a new brewing they are brewing up – Brekle’s Brown.  The name pays homage to Gottlieb Brekle, an early brewmaster of what would eventually become Anchor Brewing. Brekle came to San Francisco, California from Germany in the 1850’s.  Brekle became the brewmaster of a new brewery called “Golden Gate Brewery”.  In 1871 he purchased a saloon and began turning it into a brewery.  25 years after his purchase it became Anchor.

To celebrate Anchor’s vast 140 year history, they have released Brekle’s Brown Ale, an all malt, single hop ale.  The brainchild of brewer Mark Carpenter, Mark wanted a beer that ties the past and present together.  The malt forward recipe takes a que from all malt recipes from Anchor’s past.  As for the present/future – the one and single hop used is a relatively new (and very en vogue right now) citra.  Citra was also used in the dry hopping.

First Brewed: December 2010, racked in January 2011.

Availability: Sadly, only in greater San Francisco area.

6% ABV


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