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Bell’s “Venus” Ready to Ship

Bell Brewery Venus

The second edition in Bell’s Brewery’s Planetary Series, Venus has been bottled and ready to ship. This edition is a blonde ale with apricot, honey, cardamon, and vanilla.

The second release in our Planets Series starts with spicy, fruity and light citrus notes along with herbal notes from cardamom in the aroma. Apricots contribute a very distinct tart character and sweetness from the vanilla rounds out the finish. More than 60 pounds of hand sliced vanilla beans were used to ferment this strong fruit and spice beer with a complex herbal fruit character.

Bell’s Venus is available in 12oz bottles. In Roman mythology, Venus was a goddess that encompassed love, sex, prosperity and fertility. The first release in the Plantary Series was Mars, The Bringer of War.

Style: Blonde Ale (w/ Vanilla BeansCardamomHoneyApricot Juice)
Availability: 12oz Bottles
Arrival: December, 2014

7.5% ABV

Read more: Bell’s Planetary Series

Image via Bell’s 

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