Posted in New Releases, Two Roads Brewing

Two Roads Bergamonster Released

Two Roads Bergamonster

Two Roads Bergamonster Wheat Ale joins the Stratford, Connectut brewery’s “Road Less Travelled” Series this month.

Two Roads Bergamonster uses bergamot orange peel to give the wheat heavy beer a unique flavor, along with coriander and clove.

“This is a new beer for us and one that I am proud to say is truly unique,” said Brewmaster Phil Markowski. “It wasn’t easy but we tracked down enough fresh bergamot oranges to make a full batch of Bergamonster.”

Two Roads Bergamonster is available in 750 milliliter bottles, and draft wherever the brewery distributes.

Style: Wheat Ale (w/ Bergamot Oranges, Coriander, Clove)
Hops: Citra, Hallertauer Tradition
Malts: Raw Wheat, pilsner malt, malted wheat & flaked oats

Availability: 750ml Bottles, Draft.
Release: August, 2015

8.2% ABV

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