Posted in Coming Soon, Headlines, SweetWater Brewing

SweetWater Georgia Brown Slated for Cans

SweetWater Georgia Brown Cans

SweetWater Georgia Brown is slated for cans later this year. The brown ale is a year round offering by the Atlanta, Georgia brewery.

SweetWater launched their can lineup with 420 Extra Pale Ale, and IPA. Since then, Take Two Pils, and Waterkeeper have found aluminum.

A river of deep caramel malts meandering through undercut currents of hop additions.

In addition to SweetWater Georgia Brown, look for SweetWater Whiplash and completely new offering – SweetWater Hash Brown in cans later this year.  The brewery has not yet announced this offering.

Style: Brown Ale
Availability: 12oz Bottles, Draft. 12oz Cans (Future)
Release: TBA

5.8% ABV

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