Sierra Nevada Ginger Bigfoot, part of the brewery’s Trip in the Woods Series, is hitting shelves nationwide.
As the year winds down Sierra Nevada’s famous barleywine, Bigfoot, hits shelves. Until recently, variants of that beer were rare one-off kegs, or bottles found only at the brewery’s taprooms in California and North Carolina. Now you have a chance to buy your own Sierra Nevada Ginger Bigfoot.
This edition features a bourbon barrel-aged barleywine, with added fresh ginger. The ginger gives this strong ale a bright, zesty character.
This is a special version of our barrel-aged Bigfoot Barleywine Ale with fresh ginger added into the barrels. The resulting kick of ginger mellows Bigfoot’s ferocious hop bite and adds a new level of brightness and complexity. The beer features notes of burnt sugar, orange zest, vanilla, and candied ginger.
Taste: A whiskey ginger cocktail comes to mind. Fans of ginger root will be quite happy with this beer. Sierra Nevada understands the symbiotic nature of base beer to flavors picked up in the barrels. Both flavors are very much intact, accentuated with the bright ginger flavors.
Sierra Nevada Ginger Bigfoot is a 750 milliliter bottle release.
Style: Barleywine (w/ Ginger. Barrel Aged. Bourbon.)
Availability: 750ml Bottles, Corked & Caged.
Debut: November, 2016
12.6% ABV
Image: Beer Street JournalĀ