Posted in Red Hare Brewing, New Releases

Red Hare Berry Belgian Waffle, a waffle flavored beer debuts

Red Hare Berry Belgian Waffle

Perhaps this is proof beer can be anything. Red Hare Berry Belgian Waffle is now now shelves.

This summer, the Marietta, Georgia based brewery released Cottontail Creamsic-ale, an orange creamcicle flavored pale ale. Building off the buzz that beer created is a new food inspired beer- Berry Belgian Waffle.

The base beer is a Belgian-style ale, brewed with bluberries, and favors that mimic waffles. Yes, beer can be anything you want it to be.

Red Hare Berry Belgian Waffle will be a 12 ounce can and draft offering.

Style: Belgian-style Pale Ale (w/ Blueberries)
Availability: 12oz Cans, Draft.
Debut: Late November, 2016

7.9% ABV

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