Brouwerij De Molen is a small craft brewery in the south Holland Provence of the Netherlands founding in 2004. The name De Molen translates to “brewery in the mill” as the brewery is actually in a windmill. This windmill – named “De Arkduif” is quite historic as it was built in 1697! Brewer Menno Olivier was a beer enthusiast/home brewer before hitting this big time. has listed De Molen brews in the “Top 10 Dutch Beers” over the past couple of years. They finally hit stateside in 2008, and have made a quite a splash among connoisseurs. All the beers are brewed on converted dairy equipment, and hand bottled on site at the brewery in Holland. Even the labels are hand made on site.
3 new beers have made it to the U.S. They have received high ratings among the beer reviewers. They are bold, unique and very distinct.
Bommen & Granaten – Barleywine – 13% ABV. There’s plenty of fruit like orange, tangerine and sweet apples. It’s powerful and full bodied but still easy going. Although the name would suggest otherwise, it’s our favourite amongst the female clientele yet also highly appreciated by the other sex. Well hopped as always, but the obvious alcohol and the massive malt and fruit character restrict the hops to the background, only to reveal itself in the finish. Full bodied, notes of champagne. Champagne mousse after pouring in the glass. Grapes and a hint of mandarin curacao in the aroma, together with a hint of vin mousseux. Malty sweet flavor, immensely full bodied, with mandarine curacao and vinous notes. Thick mouthfeel, just a touch of yeast in the aftertaste. Huge beer.
Heaven & Hell – Imperial Stout, 10.2% ABV. Twice the amount of dark roasted malts used, massive Imperial stout. This is a mad one. Black brown colour with a thick and creamy tan head that can be added to as you wish if you give the bottle a swirl. Give this beer time to breathe and blossom into something truly stunning. Chocolate and alcohol are right there at the front but do not at all overpower the gorgeousness that is underneath. Full of leather, vanilla, amazing wooden notes, beautifully floral character from the hops, thick Belgian chocolate, much character. The flavour of crazy wooden tartness. An extremely bitter finish seems to come out of nowhere and is what really makes this quite unique. Superb width in the mouth and coats the whole palate beautifully.
Engels (Not pictured) – Bitter, 4.5% ABV. Our attempt at creating a real English cask ale. And we certainly succeeded. At the Great British Beer Festival our Engels was appreciated by all that tried. Cask ale from the continent? Yeah! Also available bottled by the way.
All the above are the commercial descriptions of these new brews.
Availability: By the 12oz bottle. Capped and waxed. Estimated retail – around $10.
Looking for these? Hop City has Bommen & Granaten & Heaven & Hell. Green’s Beer – All three.