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New England Brewing Speaks About Gandhi Can Label

The use of a robotic Mahatma Gandhi on New England Brewing’s imperial IPA has garnered some criticism by some in both India and and the United States. The commercial use of his likeness has been found offensive and irreverent by some.

New England Brewing released an apology on their Facebook page over the weekend.

We apologize to any Indian people that find our Gandhi-Bot label offensive. Our intent is not to offend anyone but rather pay homage and celebrate a man who we respect greatly. We take great care in creating a product we hope will not be abused in the manner that Mahatma Gandhi spoke of when referencing alcohol. So many Indian people here in America love our tribute to him. Gandhi’s granddaughter and grandson have seen the label and have expressed their admiration of the label. We hope that you understand our true intent and learn to respect our method and the freedom we have to show our reverence for Gandhi.

The brewery intended it to be a bit of a craft beer tribute to the founder of modern India. Despite Gandhi’s grandchildren expressing positive feelings over the label, others are still not amused.

New England has asked individuals to refrain from debating/arguing the issue on their Facebook page. As of Monday morning, there have been more than 300 responses to the apology. The brewery is not withdrawing the artwork from taps or packaged offerings at this time.

As you can see, things got a little heated.

Gandhi discussionmn

One thought on “New England Brewing Speaks About Gandhi Can Label

  1. Why does it always have to revert to some shit about race, etc. It’s beer. There is a lot worse stuff than a robot Gandhi out there. The beer has been around for quite some time without people blowing up over it. Besides, it is amazing beer.

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