To my knowledge this beer has absolutely nothing to do with The Simpsons. Nothing is stopping you from trying to convince someone it is though. Danish brewers Mikkeller have released this popular Christmas/winter seasonal again for 2010. It was first released in 2006, and the recipe varies a little bit each release. In the past, cocoa powder and other specialty spices were used. Looks like 2010 does not have cocoa. Love Belgian Ales? Keep reading.
Commercial Description:
(FROM 2009) Santas Little Helper is Mikkellers Christmas beer. Each year Santas little Helper returns, but although Christmas is tradition and repetitions, then Santas Little Helper is not the same for two consecutive years. Mikkel believe that you can always optimize a recipe, and it is exactly what he was doing with this Belgian-inspired beers. Since 2006 the recipe for Santas Little Helper has been adjusted and improved. In this 2009 version is nothing short of sublime.”
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Hops: Northern Brewer, Hallertau, Stryian Golding
Malt: Marris Otter, Special B, Biscuit, Pale Chocolate
Dark candi syrup and Dark Cassonade (raw sugar), sweet orange peel, bitter orange peel and nutmeg
Taste Expectations: Dark malts, sweet. Bit of chocolate, orange. Spices, clove & nutmeg.
Availability: 750 ML Corked & Caged. Foil topped. Limited Christmas release.
10% ABV