Posted in Coming Soon, Dogfish Head, Maui Brewing Company

Maui & Dogfish Head Create Liquid Breadfruit

Beer celebrity and Dogfish Head founder Sam Calagione recently traveled to Hawaii (that must have sucked) to collaborate with Maui Brewing Co. The result? Liquid Breadfruit.  Brewed with toasted papaya seeds, and breadfruit.  Breadfruit comes from a flowering tree in the mulberry family, so named for the texture of the cooked fruit.  The flavor is a bit like potatoes. It’s considered a staple fruit in tropical regions.  The yeast was found in a peach farm near Dogfish Head in the first state.  DFH went all scientific on it, and regrew it.

There is actually a good bit of dialogue on the back of the can between Maui’s Garrett Marrero and Sam.  Some highlights – “Millions of Delaware natives lusting fro tropic climes cannot be wrong” – Sam.  “Breadfruit has been a staple crop f0r 3000 years” – Garrett.   And the best –

” I love to cook and toasted papaya seed seemed like another great spice to balance the breadfruit and compliment the tropical flavors of calypso hops and the flavors lent by the philandering Delawareans. It was no small task to harvest all these seeds by hand… but it beats chewing purple corn for weeks on end….” – Garrret

Style: Fruit Beer (w/ papaya seeds, breadfruit)
Availability: 12 oz cans, Draft
Arrival: Purported to debut at GABF in October

8% ABV

note:  The label most assuredly will be in color! 

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