Posted in Cigar City Brewing

Cigar City In Cans: Cubano-Style Espresso

Cigar City Cubano Espresso CansCigar City Brewing is sweating it out in Florida right now assembling a canning line they purchased from New Belgium.  The can artwork is starting to appear.   Cubano-Style Espresso is a brown ale brewed with vanilla, cacao, and coffee beans.

This rich brown ale is redolent with Cuban-style roasted espresso beans, sweet caramel and toffee and hints of dry nuttiness. Cuban Espresso is a popular drink in the Cigar City of Tampa owing to its many Sicilian and Cuban immigrants. The beans for Cubano-Style Espresso Brown Ale are roasted locally by Mazzaro’s Italian Market and Deli in St. Petersburg to our exact specifications.

Style: Brown Ale (brewed w/ vanilla, cacao, and coffee beans.)
Availability: Draft, 12 oz bottles, 12 oz cans.

5.5% ABV, 25 IBUs 

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