Posted in Bruery Terreux, Don't Miss This, Prairie Artisanal Ales

Collaboration: Bruery Terreux Prairie Rue

Bruery Terreux Prairie Rue

Bruery Terreux Prairie Rue aims to make an early fall debut. Prairie Artisan Ales joined The Bruery for a brew day back in November of 2014.

Bruery Terreux Prairie Rue is a farmhouse ale, aged in oak barrels. Total time in barrels, is 8-9 months (assuming it was barreled in late-December).

According to The Bruery, members of the Horder’s and Reserve Societies will have access to the 750ml bottles. No distribution, especially not in Oklahoma which is not in The Bruery’s distribution area.

Style: Saison/Farmhouse Ale  (Oak Aged)
Availability: 750ml bottles.
Release: September, 2015

6.9% ABV

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