Posted in White Birch Brewing

White Birch Brewing Jasmine

White Birch JasmineWhite Birch Jasmine.  Another addition in the Apprentice Series.

With this release by Kate Wallace, our ninth brewer apprentice,we bring you a special Belgian inspired ale.   Like the precious Jasmine of the orient, this rich red ale offers a nuanced spiciness with a smooth medium bodied malt backbone and a dry finish.  As Kate moves on, we raise a toast and hop enjoy her beer as much as we do.  

Style: Farmhouse Ale
Availability:  22oz bombers, 12oo bottle release.
Arrival: December, 2011

6.5% ABV 

One thought on “White Birch Brewing Jasmine

  1. Glad to hear about Kate’s brewing prowess. I’m sure she’ll make all the beer drinkers around the world happier. Can’t wait to taste her unique jasmine beer. What about an olive beer? 

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