Posted in De Struise, New Beers

Stuise Pannepeut 2011

Struise Pannepeut 2011Struise Pannepeut 2011

Pannepøt (read Pannepeut) is a beer specially brewed and named as a wink to the Danish market presented at the Danish beer festival ’Københavnske Øldage 2006’ exclusively at Ølbutikkens stand. It is produced to express the brewers gratitude to all the Danish beer amateurs that drink their products daily. Pannepøt has later been available on draught and bottles at bars and shops in Belgium & Denmark. Since winter 2006, this beer’s popularity kept growing in Belgium at such a level that the production today equals Pannepot.

Style: Belgian Strong Ale
Availability: 11.2 oz bottles
Taste Expectations:  Complex.  Fruit, Caramel, toffee, dark fruits, and dark chocolate. Boozy.

10% ABV 

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