Posted in Oskar Blues Brewing, Headlines

Oskar Blues debuts ‘Mustard Beer’ featuring 150 pounds of French’s

Oskar Blues Mustard Beer

We wouldn’t be surprised if you didn’t know that today, August 1st, is National Mustard Day. There’s a “day” for everything. While you are smothering everything in spicy yellow goodness, there’s a craft beer to pair with it. Oskar Blues Mustard Beer.

It’s craft beer, so you know we aren’t kidding. Oskar Blues partnered with French’s on the collaboration, a tropical wheat beer infused with the yellow stuff. 150 pounds of it to be exact. The result is a wheat beer with a yellowish tinge, boasting flavors of lime, lemon, tangerine, and passion fruit to complement the spice and zip added by the mustard.

Last year French’s made a mustard flavor ice cream for the occasion. We never got to try it, but some folks on social media melted down over its mear existence. (One person even called it a slight against God. That might be a little much.)

Oskar Blues Mustard Beer was available to ship on, but it sold out pretty much immediately.

Style: Wheat Beer (w/ French’s Mustard)
Availability: 12oz Cans. Limited Release.
Debut: 8/1/20

5.2% ABV

Update: Sold out. Everywhere. Next stop, ketchup day.