Night Shift Brewing (Everett, MA) will be releasing 2 bottles soon, and one chili pepper draft only offering:
QUAD RESERVE — The first beer in our “NSB Reserve Series,” this is a quad ale fermented with brown sugar and shiraz grape juice. We homebrewed this recipe for a while without the Shiraz juice, and it was awesome. Then we added the Shiraz, and it became even better. The Quad Reserve clocks in at 10.5% ABV and sips almost like a burgundy with bubbles. Updates about its initial release are on the way soon (follow us on Facebook and Twitter for immediate info!). In the meantime, here’s the bottle label:
SOMER WEISSE — A tribute to our Somerville homebrewing roots, this is a Berliner Weisse style sour ale brewed with lemongrass and ginger. We really enjoy Berliner Weisse beers in general, but noticed that they’re a little hard to find around here. We also wanted to “shift” the style a bit (typical beers in this category are around 3% ABV), so we cranked it up to 5.3% ABV and gave it some lemongrass and ginger kick. Some might mistake it for a tart champagne or sparkling lemonade, but it’s absolutely beer. And it’s delicious. Like the Quad Reserve, release details forthcoming (hint:Facebook. hint: Twitter). For now, check out the bottle label:
VIVA HABANERA (DRAFT) — This beer has a few people way too excited. Those people may or may not be us. Our recipe man, Rob Burns, let the Cuban half of his roots inspire this beer’s initial recipe. What he came up with was a rye ale brewed with agave nectar and aged on habanero peppers: Viva Habanera (translated from Spanish to English: “Live Habanera”).