Rogue Brewmaster John Maier has brewed 21 different beers for the 21 years of the Oregon Brewers Fest. To honor the OBF and John’s “21er”, John brewed a one-time batch of an Olde Ale, called 21 Ale.
Beer Rundown:
Hops: Willamette, US Goldings, Rogue Farms Revolution Hops,
Malts: 2 Row, Briess Amber, C-40, Wyermann Carafa, Rogue Farms Risk Malt
Other: Simpsons Golden Naked Oats, Franco-Belges Carawheat, Molasses, Brewer’s Licorice
Yeast: Wyeast Old Ale Blend
Taste Expectations: Complex. Roasty malts. Tastes of barrel aging. Brown sugar/molasses. Soft wheat flavor.
Availability: 750 ML ceramic bottles. Very limited draft. Cask Offerings