Posted in Great Divide, New Releases

NEW RELEASE: Great Divide Grand Cru

Grand Cru is actually a wine term that beer has essentially borrowed.  In wine – it means “great growth”, yet the definition is a little confusing.  As of late, “Grand Cru” is essentially the best offering – or special vintage.  Great Divide Brewing’s Grand Cru is just that.  A special offering.  A big Belgian offering from the Denver, Colorado brewer.

Commercial Description:
Grand Cru is our very special Belgian-style dark ale. Imported malts give it a round malty richness, and the fruity complexity and slightly spicy character come from brewing with a proprietary Belgian yeast strain. Don’t let the name fool you; while it may be a special occasion beer, this medium-bodied, elegant incarnation is anything but snobbish.

Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale

Taste Expectations: Dark fruits.  Dates, Figs, Raisins.  Candi Sugar. Some smoke. Boozy. Slightly sweet.

Food Pairings: Per GD Roasted chicken with thyme, braised short ribs, oven roasted vegetables, grilled sweet potatoes, roaring 40′s blue cheese, bread pudding.

Availability: 22oz Bombers. January – March, seasonally.

11% ABV

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