Posted in Coming Soon, Mother Earth Brewing

Mother Earth Adds Figs, Raisins, Brandy To Windowpane #3

Mother Earth Brewing (Kinston, NC) is on the cusp of releasing the third in the Windowpane Series – Fig & Raisin. For months now, the release has been sleeping in North Carolina Brandy barrels waiting for the big time. Mother Earth brewmaster Josh Brewer (yep, that’s his name) chose a Belgian style dubbel with locally sourced figs and raisins. The total production per release is limited to just 20 barrels. (620 gallons.) Blackberries was the featured fruit in release #1. Peaches (currently available) is release #2.

Third in a series of four North Carolina inspired beers,Figs and Raisins Window Pane isa Belgian Style Dubbelbeer fermented with North Carolina Apple Brandy barrels for three months. Anticipate a prevailing aroma of dark fruit, blended with vanilla and oak to greet you. 

Style: Dubbel (w/ FigsRaisinsBarrel AgedBrandy)
Availability: 750 bottles, Corked & Caged
Arrival: TBA (Awaiting Gov’t Approval)

?? ABV 

Read more: Windowpanes SeriesMother Earth

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