This is the blogging form of a retraction. Chip Rogers actually supports Sunday sales – and even co authored the bill. The response I received on Sunday Sales supporters mentioned Senator Rogers as an opponent. I spoke with his office this morning and found out otherwise. My apologies for that. Senator Rogers WAS a part of the closed door meeting that killed S.B. 10 from moving forward. I wish I was a fly on the wall in that meeting.
Below is his contact information. Perhaps a little extra encouragement could bring this bill to a vote this session.
His contact information:
Capitol Office:
314 B Coverdell Office Building Atlanta, GA 30334
Phone: (404) 463-1378
Fax: (404) 463-1385
Email: [email protected]
Website: Chip Rogers
I e-mailed Senator Rogers about this very issue in terms of bringing the bill to the floor for a vote and he responded to me saying:
“I fully support bringing this measure to the floor for a vote. In fact, I am the first co-sponsor of the bill. While I do not personally drink, I believe this is an issue that free adults should decide for themselves.”
sounds like he’s a bit of a hypocrite.
Jesus doesn’t give a damn if you drink on Sunday.
Lol. I wonder why special interest groups don’t fight harder to close bars on Sundays. Seems like a moot issue at this point.