Posted in Hi Wire Brewing, New Releases

Hi-Wire’s Fall Red Ale Returns

Hi-Wire Lion Tamer Red

Hi-Wire Brewing (Asheville, NC) is releasing a familiar red ale seasonal this month, Lion Tamer Red. Asheville folks my remember this as Ringmaster Red Rye from last fall.

The name was changed to prevent brand confusing with their Ringmaster Reserve Series, a quarterly extra special big bottle offering.

Red with hops and rye – oh my! Aggressively hopped with a healthy blend of citrus- and fruit-forward hops and balanced by the unmistakable bite of rye, allow this brew to tame your thirst.

Hi-Wire Lion Tamer Red will hit draft on bottles across North Carolina starting August 18th. Lion Tamer follows the summer seasonal Uprisin’ Hefeweizen.

Style: Red Ale
Availability: 12oz Bottles, Draft. Late Summer/Fall Seasonal

?? ABV

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