Posted in Coming Soon, Founders Brewing

Founder’s Newest Backstage “Mango” Now Available

Founders Mango Magnifico copy

Last week, those close to Founders Brewing Company (Grand Rapids, MI) had the first shot at the newest Backstage Release – Mango Magnifico Con Calor. [Magnificent Mango with Heat] is brewed with both mango fruit and habanero peppers. Trust me, the peppers very much there.  What starts as lightly tropical, will burn for a while when you are done. Tropical heat best describes this brew. Available in limited quantities in 750ml bottles.

Mango Magnifico con Calor [Magnificent Mango with Heat], will be the next beer introduced to Founders Brewing’s Backstage Series. This fruit beer is brewed with mango and habanero. This is the seventh addition to the series

StyleFruit Beer (w/ MangoHabanero Peppers)
Availability: 750 mL bottles
Arrival: August 5, 2013

10% ABV

Read more: Founder’s Backstage Series

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