Posted in Coming Soon, Flying Dog Brewing

Flying Dog Brewhouse Rarities “Red Ale”

Flying Dog Brewhouse Rarities Red AleFlying Dog is releasing “Brewhouse Rarities” each month in 2012.  The beers are draft only, and limited to the Mid-Atlantic region.  The first release was Imperial Hefeweizen.  Other potential releases include Black Lager, and Disobedience Dubbel (to also see bottlesand Berliner Weisse.   Tack on Red Ale to that list.

Style: Red Ale
Availability: Draft only. Mid-Atlantic Region
Arrival: May/June/July  (Tentative, could be later depending on release order.)

6.7%  ABV 

note: The above is tentative.  Subject to change at whim of the brewer, the beer, or the barrel.

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