Mini kegs (aka chubbies) have just been banned in Utah. The 5 liter keg cans will be pulled for shelves on October 1st. Motivation? Fear of over consumption seems to be the main reasoning, as Utah residents must be saved from themselves.
Squatters and Wasatch Brewing are producers of the mini kegs. The sales of the kegs have been very successful. But the state of Utah thinks being able to purchase them is dangerous. So it’s time to get them out of the hands of the people. Remaining product must be shipped out of state for sale or destruction. (WTF? 1920’s anyone?)
A bit more of the crazy for you. Zion curtains have been reestablished. What are zion curtains? Oh you’ll love this. Bars must have curtains up hiding the bartenders and open liquor container from view of the patrons. (HELP! I’ve seen too many liquor bottles and can’t drive!)
In addition, the # of liquor licenses available for new businesses has been reduced. I’d like to say this isn’t true. No chubbies for you Utah. [SaltLakeTribune]
yep, utah officially sucks.. It’s utah tho what do you expect??