Posted in Duclaw Brewing

DuClaw Barrel Ages “Old Flame”

DuClaw Barrel Aged Old Flame

How does DuClaw Brewing follow up Old Flame? That would be with Barrel Aged Old Flame. Flame is an old ale with a touch of molasses.

Sooth the burn of lost love with this dark amber ale, aged in Kentucky White Oak Bourbon barrels to add the natural vanilla, charred oak and caramelized sugar flavors of the wood to the beers beguiling mix of sweet, malty aromas, dark fruit esters, rich caramel malt, and molasses. It’s heartbreakingly delicious, and always ready to… Drown your sorrow

Style: Old Ale (w/ molasses)
Hops: Goldings, Columbus
Malts: Pale malt, Dark Crystal Malt, Wheat

Availability: 22oz bombers
Arrival: TBA

7% ABV 

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