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The Bruery Share This OC releases this month. Think chocolate oranges

The Bruery Share This OC

The Bruery Share This OC ships this month, marking the third release in the brewery’s charitable series.

The series of imperial stouts are all about sharing the love. Both with friends and with those in need. This edition of the imperial stout is inspired by southern California’s history with oranges. California citrus once was called the “second gold rush.” Orange County was once home to millions of orange trees, and still grow quite well there, if you can afford the land.

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Taking the roasty, chocolatey base that is Share This, the brewers added cocoa nibs from San Francisco’s TCHO Chocolates, orange zest, and vanilla beans. The result is what we figure will be something a bit like a chocolate orange you get in your stocking at Christmas. Except this one gets you drunk, not hyper.

Drawing upon the southern Cali inspiration, a portion of the proceeds will benefit Food Forward. The group works to eradicate food waste and act as a bridge to get fresh healthy produce to over 1.25 million of the region’s most at risk.

“It’s hard to not have an affinity for oranges when you grow up in Orange County. Oranges and chocolate are a natural pair, each flavor enhancing the other. We’re excited to bring this flavor combination to Share This, and to support Food Forward, a local charity that benefits our community by providing delicious, fresh fruit to those who might not have access to it otherwise.” – Patrick Rue, The Bruery Founder & CEO

Thus far, the Share This Series has raised nearly $100,000 dollars for selected charities.

The Bruery Share This OC will be available starting in March, in 750 milliliter bottles.

Style: Imperial Stout (w/ Chocolate, Vanilla Beans, Orange Zest)
Availabilty: 750ml Bottles
Debut: March, 2017

?? ABV

PIC: The Bruery

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