Posted in Anheuser-Busch, Beer News, InBev

AB Trademarking Area Codes

AB Trademarking Area Codes

AB Trademarking Area Codes

Ever heard of 312?  It’s a wheat beer brewed by Goose Island in honor of Chicago’s area code.  Looks like Anheuser-Busch InBev is cooking up the same idea.  Recently, InBev applied for a few trademarks for “area codes” around the United States, including (619) San Diego, (314) St. Louis, (602) Phoenix, (702) Las Vegas, (216) Cleveland, (415) San Francisco, and (412) Pittsburgh, (713) Houston, (305) Miami, (615) Nashville, (303) Denver, (214) Dallas, (704) Charlotte,  and (202) Washington D.C. for starters.

No word if this has anything to do with beer, but logic would dictate they aren’t going into telecommunications.   Also, there is no initial relationship with Goose Island’s 312 – even after their near $40 million dollar purchase by AB.

<StLouisToday via @Jayemarie>

AB Trademarking Area Codes

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