Posted in Coming Soon, Terrapin Beer Company

A New Krunkles From Terrapin Slashes Glasses In June

The next Krunkles is coming soon from the peeps in Athens, Georgia.   Terrapin’s Samurai Krunkles is an IPA brewed with green tea and ginger.

Taking the Orient  the rest of the world by storm, Krunkles returns! In this edition of the bearded IPA brewer’s saga, “Samurai Krunkles,” as he was once known in the Far East, pulls out  all the hops from his katana’s sheath to make this Asian flared brew. While traveling around the Pacific in a souped up rickshaw pulled by his trusty sidekick Cato, Krunkles unique brewing ingredients like jasmine rice and green tea and the finest ginger the Orient had to offer for this Samurai master’s ale.  Cheers! Spike & John

Style: IPA (w/ ginger, jasmine rice, and green tea)
Availability: 22  oz bombers, Draft
Arrival: Late June, 2012

7.1% ABV

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