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The 17% beast, New Holland Dragon’s Milk Reserve Triple Mashed

New Holland Dragon's Milk Reserve Triple Mashed

New Holland Dragon’s Milk Reserve Triple Mashed, by far the strongest Dragon’s Milk the Michigan brewery’s arsenal, is out of the barrel this month.

Hot water through one bed of grain just isn’t enough for this creature. New Holland performs three separate mashes (all of equal volume and composition) in order to achieve a high starting gravity. Very little lautering (process where the mash is separated into the clear liquid wort and residual grain) is done so as not to dilute the wort too much. After all you need all that fermentable sugar. During fermentation, New Holland adds a little extra sugar in order to hit 17% alcohol by volume. That’s a full 6% higher than the regular year-round Dragon’s Milk. Yeah, it’s big.

The fermented beer was then aged in New Holland Spirits whiskey barrels.

Intense malt character is paired with compelling whiskey character and the toasted notes of American white oak. Robust, yet balanced, an experience all its own.

New Holland Dragon’s Milk Reserve Triple Mashed is available in 12 ounce bottles and draft for limited time starting this week.

Style: Imperial Stout (Barrel Aged. Bourbon.)
Availability: 12oz Bottles, Draft. Limited Release.
Lastest Return: Early January, 2017

17% ABV

Due to the high ABV of this beer, it is not legal to sell in every state in New Holland’s distribution.

One thought on “The 17% beast, New Holland Dragon’s Milk Reserve Triple Mashed

  1. Thank goodness state governments are around to protect us from high-alcohol beer. I feel so much safer knowing I can go into a liquor store and buy 151-proof rum, but I can’t buy 17% beer.

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