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Zymurgy’s Best Beers In America 2012

Zymurgy Magazine, the official Journal of the American Homebrewer’s Association just published their results from the reader’s rankings.  For the 4th year in a row, Russian River’s Pliny The Elder  takes 1st place. Bell’s Two Hearted and Dogfish Head 90 Minute aren’t far behind for best IPA in the country.  Interestingly, the harder to find Pliny The Younger ranked at the other end of the list, at #48.

More than 16,000 votes were received in this years vote.  Check out the full story for brewery rankings. (T= Tied) [AHA]


1. Russian River Pliny the Elder
 2. Bell’s Two Hearted Ale
 3. Dogfish Head 90 Minute IPA
 4. Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
 5. Stone Arrogant Bastard Ale
 6. Bell’s Hopslam
7. Sierra Nevada Celebration
8. Stone Ruination IPA
 9. Sierra Nevada Torpedo
 10. North Coast Old Rasputin
 11. Firestone Walker Union Jack
 12. Sierra Nevada Ruthless Rye
 13. Bear Republic Racer 5
 14. Oskar Blues Dale’s Pale Ale
 15. Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA
 16. Firestone Walker Double Jack
 T17. Ballast Point Sculpin IPA
 T17. Sierra Nevada Bigfoot
 19. Stone IPA
 20. New Belgium Fat Tire
 21. Deschutes Black Butte Porter
 22. Avery Maharaja
 23. Founders Breakfast Stout
 24. Left Hand Milk Stout
 T25. Dogfish Head 120 Minute IPA
 T25. New Belgium Ranger
 T25. Stone Sublimely Self-Righteous Ale
 28. Deschutes The Abyss
 29. Goose Island Bourbon County Stout
 30. Surly Furious
 T31. Lagunitas Little Sumpin Sumpin
 T31. Rogue Dead Guy
 T31. Samuel Adams Boston Lager
34. Troegs Nugget Nectar
 T35. Lagunitas IPA
 T35. New Belgium La Folie
 T37. Dogfish Head Palo Santo Marron
 T37. Founders KBS
 T37. Russian River Blind Pig IPA
 41. Deschutes Mirror Pond Pale Ale
 42. Victory Prima Pils
43. Great Divide Yeti
 T44. Alaskan Smoked Porter
 T44. Anchor Steam
 T44. Lagunitas Hop Stoopid
 T44. Samuel Adams Noble Pils
 T48. Great Lakes Edmund Fitzgerald Porter
 T48. Oskar Blues Ten Fidy
 T48. Russian River Pliny the Younge

One thought on “Zymurgy’s Best Beers In America 2012

  1. Younger is so low I am guessing because it is so hard to get ahold of, we wait in lines for hours up here in Portland to get it when it comes around.  Odd no Oregon beers in the top 20, but being from Chico originally, I am happy to see SN getting some love.

    Top 5 was pretty close to how I voted, but Younger was 1, Elder was 2, and having never had any Bells, they weren’t even on my ballot… I did have Dead guy in at 7 though 🙂

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