Posted in Brewery Expansions, Don't Miss This, Wild Heaven Craft Beers

Wild Heaven Announces Brewery Build [PICS]

Wild Heaven Craft Beers has finally announced their brewery build in Avondale Estates, Georgia.

The brewery will be located just seven miles from downtown Atlanta, and one mile from Decatur Square (home of famed Brick Store Pub, Leon’s, Square Pub, and more.) The 8000-square-foot facility will house a 30-barrel brewhouse and tasting room.

In addition to the brewhouse, the 50-gallon pilot system that head brewer Eric Johnson uses at his house in Winterville, Georgia will be relocated on-site,

Choate Construction has been chosen for the construction. The budget for the build is $1.3 million.

A groundbreaking ceremony will take place on-site on October 24th.


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