Coming this Spring – An insanely good sounding Widmer Brothers Kill Devil Brown Ale. 90% of this ale is brewed with palm sugar and molasses, aged in rum barrels. 10% is barreled straight brown ale. The Brother’s Reserve is a series of 22oz bombers (presented in a nice box) that ranges from barleywines, braggots, wheat ales and more. Kill Devil is the 6th release.
Sweet barbados and blackstrap molasses provide touches of toasted sugar, black licorice, and blackened toffee to this brown ale while the palms sugars invite notes of subtle sweetness. Conditioned in Puerto Rican rum barrels, the vanilla and oak flavors and aromas integrate with the calypso hop’s soft tropical and stone fruit aromas.
Style: Brown Ale (Barrel Aged, Rum)
Availability: 22oz bombers. Limited Draft.
9.5% ABV