Posted in Cigar City Brewing, Coming Soon, Widmer Brothers Brewing

Widmer Brothers/ Cigar City Collab: Gentleman’s Club

Widmer Brothers Gentleman's Club

Meet newbie creation from Widmer Brothers (Portland, OR) Gentleman’s Club – a collaboration with Cigar City Brewing. True to form with both breweries, the beer boasts an interesting list of additions. Look for cherries, lemons, and oranges in this brew, aged on oak spirals. (Little spiral oak pieces used to enhance the flavor.)

You’ll note the “old fashioned style ale” is an homage to the “Old Fashioned” cocktail made with orange & lemon dating back to the late 1800’s, invented in a gentleman’s club. The brewers of Cigar City (Tampa) road tripped

out to Widmer in Oregon for this collaboration, who will package this brew.

Style: American Strong Ale (w/ Cherries, Oranges, Lemons, Oak Aged)
Availability: 22oz bombers
Arrival: TBA

9.5% ABV 

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