Posted in Coming Soon, Weyerbacher

Weyerbacher Up To “R” in the NATO Phonetic

Weyerbacher Up To "R" in the NATO Phonetic

Weyerbacher Up To "R" in the NATO PhoneticWeyerbacher Brewing has a small batch of beers they call the “Brewmasters Select.”  Chris Wilson and brewing team at Weyerbacher experiment with different styles each time, and of course the name is different with each brew.  Fun fact: the brewery uses the NATO phonetic alphabet. You’ve heard it before – the first letter of the word is the letter you are using i.e. Alpha, Bravo, Charlie etc….

August is also going to bring our next Brewer’s Select Beer, Romeo. We’re going to go Belgian with this one. It has not been bottled at the time I’m writing this, but I can tell that it will be an ~8.5% Belgian Red Ale. We are looking at around 35 IBUs and a nice dose of Hallertuaer and Saaz in the finish. Maybe you should consider a gift for your mama after what Crimson made you do.

Style: Belgian Strong Ale
Availability: 12oz bottles.
Arrival: August, 2011

8.5% ABV 

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